Sunday, August 10, 2008

Registration Forms How To Make Them Irresistible With Event Information

Writen by Bill Flagg

You can attract more people to your event by giving your prospects an overwhelming amount of evidence that this is THE event for them.

Seminar companies who spend millions a year on direct mailers have tested, tested, tested, and then perfected the format that gets the greatest response rates.

We dissected some of their most compelling seminar brochures to see what type of EVIDENCE they used. Here's how they do it - each one of these appeared as a list of 3 to 20 items:

  • Types of people that will benefit most from attending
  • Powerful things they will learn at the event
  • Sound reasons to enroll today
  • Testimonials from those who have attended
  • Special benefits of attending
  • Questions they may have asked themselves in the past (and now will get the answers to)
  • Ways they'll profit by attending
  • Ways they'll benefit from the instructor
  • Brand name companies who have attended
  • Questions to determine if this event is for them

Motivate your prospects emotionally and intellectually. Tap into both sides of their brain in a way that they cannot resist by giving them evidence in so many forms!

How to Get Started

Look at the linked examples and begin writing the copy for your own event. Lock yourself in a room to brainstorm and write as many reasons you can think of as to why people MUST attend your events. Recruit help and make a lunch out of it. It will be well worth your effort. Before you know it, you will have 50+ reasons why someone would be crazy not to signup for your event.

We Used Ourselves as Guinea Pigs

We used this same formula to create an Oregonian webinar. One of the registrants commented that the event information was so compelling he "couldn't resist signing up right away." In fact, the event sold out because the evidence we created was so compelling to signup. Previous events had just one-fifth the attendance.

I sincerely hope this article makes your conference and event registration even more successful!

Bill Flagg is the President of RegOnline
Putting smiles on the faces of over 9,200 event-planning professionals worldwide because it is the easiest-to-use online event and conference registration system available.

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