Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Changing The Cost Of Performance

Writen by Dr Harold Elam Jr

Direct mail, TV, Newspaper, and Radio will all soon be outdated, with technology going virtual, all the things we once did can now be done online, and for less. I have decided to challenge Automobile Dealers to learn more on how the internet has become the new advertising source that reaches the people who are looking to purchase your products and/or services.

When you look at what we are currently doing on the internet as consumers, you will quickly see my view on Internet Marketing. I am a Doctor of Philosophy, with a specialty in Research & Development, and trust me when I say "we have evolved" and in order for our industry to keep up with the Jones, we must turn to the internet and do what we do best, sell cars!!

Currently we as consumers do our banking online, everything from transferring funds, paying bills and managing our money, safely. Well think on this Mr & Mrs Dealer Principal, consumers want the freedom to shop, research, make a offer, and purchase their vehicles online. If you are not marketing to those buyers, you are missing a HUGE BOAT!!

I am not just talking about advertising your website, or your vehicles online. No sir, you need to do what ever you do at the dealership online, 24 hours a day, and market to the person that spends his time searching and spending his hard-earned money online.

Mr. dealer you need to set in place a series of processes and procedures that are customer friendly, and easy to navigate through, and you will begin to experience buyers who want your product, because of your services. Think on this, Wal-Mart, Bank Of America, Federal Express, United States Post Office, American Express, Nextel, Forbes Magazine, Time Warner, Disney World, Just to name a few, that are so far ahead of us, it has become crazy!!!

Our industry is just a huge virtual community online with GREAT pictures, we need more, and our buyers demand more. Companies like N.A.D.A., are reporting that Car Dealers spend up the Hundreds Of Millions of dollars ever year on traditional advertising, yet we are getting the same results. As a Doctor like me be the first to tell you, when you keep doing the same thing, but expect different results, is a sign of insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not calling you crazy Mr & Mrs dealer, but what you are doing is a sign of insanity, and I want you to GET WELL SOON. We need to start putting our ad dollars online, and making our dealerships virtual, where I can walk through your dealership, without stepping one foot on your lot, don't worry your are not going loose business, it has always been, and will always be a numbers game. The one with the most numbers will always win!!!

Dr. Harold Elam Jr
We Are BDC
President, Dealer Services

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