Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gravitational Marketing For Small Businesses First Law Why Your Marketing Doesnt Work

Writen by Jimmy Vee

Traditional Sales and Marketing Tactics are DEAD!

In your heart and in your mind you already know this is true. That's why we've come together…you're seeking a solution.

What you're doing is not working the way it should be – or the way it once did.

There was a time when just doing a good job was enough to stimulate word-of-mouth or running an ad or sending a mailer could get you some leads and deals. That's not the case anymore.

You want – and have a right to expect – more.

More leads.

More business.

More commissions

And more money.

We don't blame you. You didn't get into this business to clown around or work like a dog.

But that's what too many small businesses and professionals are doing.

Wasting their time, money and opportunity with traditional marketing practices that are dead.

The ideas we will teach you have been in use for over one hundred years. We only use time tested direct response marketing tactics that are responsible for the most effective marketing efforts in history.

One time we were explaining these concepts to a small business owner here in Orlando, Florida. He'd had been a sales professional and now a small business owner for over 25 years and was always researching marketing techniques.

At the beginning of our meeting, we could tell he was a little skeptical – because of our young age.

But when we were done with our rapid fire explanation of our "Gravitational Marketing Secrets" – and how they could revolutionize his business – he stared at us and finally said, softly, "I've been in this business for more than 25 years, and I've never heard any of this before."

We're not surprised.

It's a conspiracy.

It's perpetrated by media professionals, sales imposters, creative morons and ad agencies. You see, these people are all deathly afraid that you – the advertiser – will be able to track and measure the results of your marketing expense.

This is a huge opportunity for you.

Most people, most business owners, most sales professionals don't know this information (and many of the ones who do know it are too stubborn, too lazy or too egotistical to take action).

The wise business owner and sales pro who takes this information and runs with it will be in striking distance of dominating their market, making their competition impotent – even small businesses and sales professionals that have been doing this for ages – are ending up with a lead and business producing machine so powerful that you're actually able to take a few days off each week because the system runs itself.

This is exactly why we created the Gravitational Marketing.

In the second Law of Gravitational Marketing for Small Businesses, we'll tell you how to DOUBLE the probability that a customer will do business with you. Can you imagine?

Jim and Travis are the authors of "The Ten Tall Tales Of Traditional Advertising That Cost You Tons" and their newest release, "The Small Business Owner's Guide To The Galaxy: Jim & Travis's Super-Stellar, Out Of This World, Step-By-Step Guide To Generating Leads, Attracting Customers and Making Sales." Get FREE small business marketing tips, shortcuts and secrets - RIGHT NOW - at

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