Anybody with a couple dollars and a website can drive traffic to their site these days. It may not be free however if you can turn those hits into sales you can build a dominating, money-making monster. I am a very big fan of utilizing all of the 3rd party tools to do your marketing for you. It will cost money, however any decent marketing tactic will. Once your campaigning has begun you will notice the exponential increase in hits as your website builds the momentum needed to succeed.
I like to use google adsence, Shopzilla, pricegrabber, amazon sellers central, and ebay. Sure these cost the most money to advertise with but is is because they are the best and they will bring the most hits to your site. There are hundreds more worthy of trying. If you get the hits from your targeted audience you must be able to convert them into sales or you will be bankrupt in no time. I have learned that you must make your site secure.
Consumers are smart and often their browser will let them know your site is not secure. If this is the case they will leave immediately. Make your site easy to navigate. You don't want to loose potential customers because they can't figure out how to find the product you carry. I recommend having at least 2 or three ways to find the same item in 1-2 clicks. Make it professional. You don't need a ton of content or razzle dazzle. Use high-quality images and give the customer a great first impression. Lastly, make it simple. If you are selling toys...make it so your customers can buy them quickly and easily - without anything confusing that could interupt the sale. Good luck!
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