Wednesday, June 18, 2008

4 Steps To Successful Offline Drawings

Writen by Kara Kelso

There are many different ways to market offline, each important to your success. One of these being drawings. Not only does having a drawing bring attention to you and your product/service, but also brings you leads.

Step 1 - Choosing the Location

To get started, you will need to first decide where you will be placing your drawing box. Make a list of a few local businesses that your target audience visits. When you approach the business owner, be sure they know what's in it for them. Offer their customers a chance to not only win something free from you, but also from the place of business you will have your box in (you will be buying this, of course). You should also put up flyers advertising the drawing, and let the business owner know this.

Step 2 - Creating the Box

Once you have the place and items in order, the next step is to make or buy the box. You can easily create a drawing box by cutting a slot out in the top of a regular box then printing a flyer off explaning what the drawing is for to tape on the side. Entry slips can also be easily created on Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. Be sure to include name, address, phone number, email address, and check boxes for if they are interested in hosting a party or joining your business on the entry forms.

Step 3 - Setting Up the Drawing

Now you are all set to have your contest. Set the box up in an area both you and the business owner have decided on. Don't forget to set out your business cards and pens (preferably pens with your logo on them). Check the box several times a week to make sure everything is still in order. The contest should last no longer than 6 weeks, so that no one forgets they entered when you follow up later.

Step 4 - Follow Ups

The real work comes after the drawing when you follow up with all the names you have collected. Since you have phone numbers, you can call them offering free samples or catalogs. Make sure you indroduct yourself and point out they entered the drawing you held at the local business. If you are not ready to talk with them on the phone, you can mail them a free sample or catalog first, then follow up a week later.

A drawing is an excellent way to meet new customers, but there are many more ways to market offline. For more ideas, please visit:

Kara Kelso is a work at home mom of two, and the co-owner of Direct Sales Helpers, which is dedicated to helping mothers succeed in direct sales. For more information, visit:

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