The research and field results prove that there are three factors that pull people to respond to a particular business. They are logic, emotion, and both! It has been calculated in a study of 900,000 consumers in 23 markets that:
- one third chose where to shop based upon emotional factors,
- one fourth chose based on logical factors,
- the rest on both.
What this means is that price and other rational factors like selection only won 25% of the time. It also means that emotional values like comfort, safety, convenient location, friendly people, fun, excitement, soft music, etc. only won out 33% of the time! This also means that 42% take both factors into consideration. If you only offer discounts, and your location stinks, your music is as loud, as are your people you limit yourself to 25% of the potential customer pie.
Try to keep as much of a balance of safety and comfort with selection and price, as much as you can while still conforming to your image. Remember, you can't be all things to all people, or you lose your identity.
Daniel Wadleigh is a nationally published marketing consultant and has programs for start-up and existing businesses including effective web sites, e-mail/database, other non-internet ways to drive them to your website, and low cost ways to get more new customers.
Go to: to get free copy of "Marketing to Men vs. Women- the 8 different responses" and a Free copy of "Market Research- 7 Questions to Ask to Start-up and 7 to Ask to Improve Any Business."
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