Think back to the time you started your business. Chances are it was because you enjoyed being in a particular industry you had a passion about your product or service, and wanted to share it with the world. But did you ever stop and say to yourself, "I can't wait to market this business"? Probably not. That unfortunately is why many of today's small businesses fail. The owners try everything they can think of to save their business, yet they miss out on the one opportunity that can turn their business into true success: hiring a small business marketing consultant.
A small business marketing consultant specializes in learning the top ways to market a business; creates strategies that will help businesses double, even triple their current profits; and teaches the most effective methods for increasing the bottom line of any business.
In today's business world, there are two types of small business marketing consultants:
* Traditional small business marketing consultants
* Online small business marketing consultants
A traditional small business marketing consultant can help you create a marketing strategy using traditional tools. They understand how to advertise your business. They understand the importance of branding. They can help you write copy, and create dynamic promotional pieces. In short, they understand how to marketing your business well in the traditional environment.
But if someone has been in the marketing field for a number of years, and understands traditional marketing venues well, what they may not be good at is making the transition to the online world. And there is a world of difference between traditional and online marketing.
An online small business marketing consultant understands the same strategies used in traditional marketing. They understand advertising. They understand branding. They understand the importance for creating dynamic promotional pieces. But from there is where the differences begin.
An online small business marketing consultant realizes that you sell differently online than you do off. It takes different strategies, different copy, and different promotional materials to succeed online. Not only should a consultant provide you with traditional methods, but they should make sure these methods feed the online world as well.
For example, a postcard sent out direct mail has always been a successful tool. But if you send out that postcard asking for the reader to take one action step heading to a website to sign up for a free report you success rate for that postcard will improve dramatically.
While this technique may seem simple, there are many techniques just like this that can bridge the traditional and online world together, and make your business stronger and more profitable. It's all in what you know and whom you ask to help make it a possibility.
Copyright 2006 Vision Business Concepts Inc
Lori Osterberg is a small business marketing consultant who helps business owners build a successful small business. She consults with owners to show them how to develop a strong Internet presence, and provides many services such as paid search, search optimization, and online copywriting services for websites, press releases, articles and other online marketing tools. Receive her FREE ezine at and
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