Thursday, May 15, 2008

First Class Promotion

Writen by Rohn Engh

Here at PhotoSource International, I see many examples of promotional materials from photographers. A surprising amount is inadequate and even unprofessional. Surprising, because much of it comes from seasoned stock photographers who are either full-time pros or committed part-timers. I can understand their thinking: "Why should I spend hundreds of dollars on promoting my work when I know it is topnotch. The images sell themselves, I don't need a fancy brochure." But they may be losing sales and turning off contracts by such an approach.

Look at the PR question from the perspective of a different field. You are going to vacation for three weeks in the Caribbean. At a travel agency you browse the display shelf and narrow your choices down to five spots. You take their brochures home, and finally you decide on Aruba.

What led to this decision? Without a first class brochure that could compete with all of the other brochures on the display rack, Aruba would never have been in the running with you.

Can you picture the officials at Aruba saying, "Let's save money! We know we've got a garden spot here; we can just photocopy our brochure."

If you want first class attention from your editors, you need to give them first class treatment. Don't expect the fine quality of your images to carry the whole banner for your promo materials. To photobuyers, you are just another talent among so many talented photographers out there. Give your promo materials the attention, support, and dollars that they deserve. Let them help you stand out, and get your work noticed.

Rohn Engh is director of PhotoSource International and publisher of PhotoStockNotes. Pine Lake Farm, 1910 35th Road, Osceola, WI 54020 USA. E-mail: Fax: 1 715 248 7394. Web site:

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